Are you Stuck? PDRA is here to help!

We all are "mentally ill" at one time or another in life. It may be a loss, a death, an injury, a divorce or a trauma of some sort. This website will help you to identify the problem and gain tools and tips to discover "mental health" once again. Understanding the potential we have to reprogram our brains is paramount to overcoming whatever ails us. Fill out the survey below to see where to start and get a free strategy session to figure out your next steps..

We are born with a brain that is for the most part a blank slate. Who we are is a compilation of everything that has been said to us. We learn behavior patterns that may seem to work for us when we are children but as we grow up they aren’t so effective. 

Our brains have neural pathways that carry chemical information that directs every part of our bodies to react to those signals. When we are in pain, physical, mental, or emotional, our brain kicks into the flight, fight, or freeze response to protect us. This is all good if we are running from a hungry bear to safety but if we have learned that if someone said a bad word to you we should punch them, or go drink a bottle of booze or eat a whole bag of chocolates then we aren’t helping ourselves and just end up in more pain. 

This site is being developed to help you tap into those tools you need at the time you need them at your own pace with as much or as little support as you want. I have decided to make this super affordable to take the courses and if you want private coaching we can do that in a way as well that will save you more money than you are spending on your impulsive fixes to your pain with a guarantee refund if you do the work. 

There will be many other coaches that will be offering their help on this site as well. Their expertise in certain areas will be a huge help to you because none of us are experts in everything. God has made us all unique for a purpose and if you have something you think could be of help to others on this site please let me know. 

I found my hope through a Christian 16-year-old who lived her faith and shared that God had a plan for me. Now, 46 years later, I am clean, sober, and have a great life. My roots in finding the Bible to be a huge help, along with the 12 Steps of recovery are my foundation. Take what you can glean from it and leave the rest

I am looking forward to working with you.   let me know if you have any questions or would like to set up a complimentary coaching session to how I can best help you.  If you are not sure if or what kind of help you may need,  just take the assessment below, and then we can set up a complimentary coaching session.